Category Archives: Health

Water ATMs™ Deliver Clean Drinking Water Across India

Having written about social enterprises for a touch over a year now, I’ve learned about many innovative projects that help base of the pyramid citizens gain access to clean drinking water. Sarvajal in India caught my attention because it’s different

Water ATMs™ Deliver Clean Drinking Water Across India

Having written about social enterprises for a touch over a year now, I’ve learned about many innovative projects that help base of the pyramid citizens gain access to clean drinking water. Sarvajal in India caught my attention because it’s different

The Cleaning Solution Places Environmental and Worker Health First

I recently had coffee with a friend who started a cleaning business several years ago and we talked about some of the challenges he’s facing and how he’s trying to differentiate his company from his competitors. When I came home,

The Cleaning Solution Places Environmental and Worker Health First

I recently had coffee with a friend who started a cleaning business several years ago and we talked about some of the challenges he’s facing and how he’s trying to differentiate his company from his competitors. When I came home,

Vitamin Packs Bring Health Benefits to You And Children in Africa

Approaching my mid-30’s and having a pretty busy schedule, I noticed that I don’t always have the same energy I used to. My wife suggested I start taking multivitamins to supplement my diet, but I haven’t gotten around to it

Vitamin Packs Bring Health Benefits to You And Children in Africa

Approaching my mid-30’s and having a pretty busy schedule, I noticed that I don’t always have the same energy I used to. My wife suggested I start taking multivitamins to supplement my diet, but I haven’t gotten around to it

Healthier Laundry with Human-Powered Washer

As I was doing my laundry over the weekend, it dawned on me what a time and labour-saving invention our modern day washers and dryers are. We sort our clothes, put them in a machine, start it, and while our

Healthier Laundry with Human-Powered Washer

As I was doing my laundry over the weekend, it dawned on me what a time and labour-saving invention our modern day washers and dryers are. We sort our clothes, put them in a machine, start it, and while our

Wello’s WaterWheel – Rolling Towards Healthier Communities

When we see pictures of life in rural, developing countries, the image of women and children transporting large containers of water balanced on their heads is something I think we’ve all come to expect, however, a social venture called Wello

Wello’s WaterWheel – Rolling Towards Healthier Communities

When we see pictures of life in rural, developing countries, the image of women and children transporting large containers of water balanced on their heads is something I think we’ve all come to expect, however, a social venture called Wello

Make a Card to bring Joy to Hospitalized Kids

I’ve been lucky enough over the last few weeks to be receiving a steady stream of Christmas cards from friends and loved ones, but the holidays also remind me of those who can’t be home during the festive season for

Make a Card to bring Joy to Hospitalized Kids

I’ve been lucky enough over the last few weeks to be receiving a steady stream of Christmas cards from friends and loved ones, but the holidays also remind me of those who can’t be home during the festive season for

Neem Trees Bring Health and Shape a Community

I’m always interested in learning about natural, raw ingredients that have been used for generations to cure common ailments, or that can be used for everyday applications, in my journey to become healthier and more conscious of nature and the

Neem Trees Bring Health and Shape a Community

I’m always interested in learning about natural, raw ingredients that have been used for generations to cure common ailments, or that can be used for everyday applications, in my journey to become healthier and more conscious of nature and the

Healthier Communities Start with Fresh School Meals

Growing up I remember never being allowed to eat the cafeteria food at school. My dad would always pack me a lunch made up of a sandwich, a piece of fruit, maybe a granola bar, and a boxed fruit drink.

Healthier Communities Start with Fresh School Meals

Growing up I remember never being allowed to eat the cafeteria food at school. My dad would always pack me a lunch made up of a sandwich, a piece of fruit, maybe a granola bar, and a boxed fruit drink.

A Mobile Buddy for Therapy Services

I’ve had my smart phone for several years now and I’ve accumulated so many apps that I need an app to organize them all. Maybe there’s already an app for that, I’ll have to check later. An interesting mobile tool by

A Mobile Buddy for Therapy Services

I’ve had my smart phone for several years now and I’ve accumulated so many apps that I need an app to organize them all. Maybe there’s already an app for that, I’ll have to check later. An interesting mobile tool by

Shape Global Health and Development within 1000 Days

I’m at that age where all my friends around me are having babies. In fact, one is in labour right now, at least according to their Facebook status update a few hours ago, and another should be welcoming a new

Shape Global Health and Development within 1000 Days

I’m at that age where all my friends around me are having babies. In fact, one is in labour right now, at least according to their Facebook status update a few hours ago, and another should be welcoming a new