Category Archives: Technology

Water ATMs™ Deliver Clean Drinking Water Across India

Having written about social enterprises for a touch over a year now, I’ve learned about many innovative projects that help base of the pyramid citizens gain access to clean drinking water. Sarvajal in India caught my attention because it’s different

Water ATMs™ Deliver Clean Drinking Water Across India

Having written about social enterprises for a touch over a year now, I’ve learned about many innovative projects that help base of the pyramid citizens gain access to clean drinking water. Sarvajal in India caught my attention because it’s different

Save by Supporting Local, Sustainable Businesses

It was not so long ago that each year, my mom would bring home an Entertainment coupon book purchased from someone at her workplace, who was raising funds for a child’s school, sports team or charity. I haven’t seen one

Save by Supporting Local, Sustainable Businesses

It was not so long ago that each year, my mom would bring home an Entertainment coupon book purchased from someone at her workplace, who was raising funds for a child’s school, sports team or charity. I haven’t seen one

Play the Game, Help the World

My brother and I grew up playing video games like Metroid and Sonic the Hedgehog, but compared to the number of games and different platforms today, it’s hard to know which to play and where to even start. I CAN HELP

Play the Game, Help the World

My brother and I grew up playing video games like Metroid and Sonic the Hedgehog, but compared to the number of games and different platforms today, it’s hard to know which to play and where to even start. I CAN HELP

Gain Perks by Committing to Monthly Giving

It’s early in the new year and many of us, myself included, have made some resolutions that we’re hoping to keep throughout the year. If one of your commitments for 2013 is to become more “green” and give more consistently

Gain Perks by Committing to Monthly Giving

It’s early in the new year and many of us, myself included, have made some resolutions that we’re hoping to keep throughout the year. If one of your commitments for 2013 is to become more “green” and give more consistently

Tech Accessories that Protect Gadgets and Change Lives

After getting her iPhone 5 over the holidays, my wife and I spent a whole afternoon at the mall looking for a case not only to protect her phone but to project her personality and fashion sensibility. Who knew it

Tech Accessories that Protect Gadgets and Change Lives

After getting her iPhone 5 over the holidays, my wife and I spent a whole afternoon at the mall looking for a case not only to protect her phone but to project her personality and fashion sensibility. Who knew it

Reliable Refrigeration Boosts Off-Grid Economies

It’s now a few days after Christmas dinner and my wife and I are still trying to put a dent into all the leftovers sitting in our refrigerator. In the western world, we’re lucky that most of us have a

Reliable Refrigeration Boosts Off-Grid Economies

It’s now a few days after Christmas dinner and my wife and I are still trying to put a dent into all the leftovers sitting in our refrigerator. In the western world, we’re lucky that most of us have a

Solar Panels with SunSaluter Harness More Energy by Following the Sun

A few days ago we had a power outage at our home and for that hour or so my wife and I sat and talked, mostly about what we thought people did when there was no lighting in the evenings,

Solar Panels with SunSaluter Harness More Energy by Following the Sun

A few days ago we had a power outage at our home and for that hour or so my wife and I sat and talked, mostly about what we thought people did when there was no lighting in the evenings,

A Mobile Buddy for Therapy Services

I’ve had my smart phone for several years now and I’ve accumulated so many apps that I need an app to organize them all. Maybe there’s already an app for that, I’ll have to check later. An interesting mobile tool by

A Mobile Buddy for Therapy Services

I’ve had my smart phone for several years now and I’ve accumulated so many apps that I need an app to organize them all. Maybe there’s already an app for that, I’ll have to check later. An interesting mobile tool by

Innovative Backpack for Safe Water Transportation

I’m sure many of us have seen the images of women and children in developing countries carrying large, dirty containers to water wells miles from their home, filling them up and then carrying the heavy buckets back to their communities.

Innovative Backpack for Safe Water Transportation

I’m sure many of us have seen the images of women and children in developing countries carrying large, dirty containers to water wells miles from their home, filling them up and then carrying the heavy buckets back to their communities.

Old Mobile Phones Given a New Life Saving Lives

With the recently announced new iPhone 5 being released soon, many will upgrade their mobiles, but what will they do with their old phones? One idea worth considering is donating it to an organization called Hope Phones. Hope Phones started

Old Mobile Phones Given a New Life Saving Lives

With the recently announced new iPhone 5 being released soon, many will upgrade their mobiles, but what will they do with their old phones? One idea worth considering is donating it to an organization called Hope Phones. Hope Phones started